
How to Send Document Files with Captions on WhatsApp: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Send Document Files with Captions on WhatsApp: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Send Document Files with Captions on WhatsApp: A Step-by-Step Guide

WhatsApp has recently launched a new feature that enables its users to send document files along with captions. This feature has been long-awaited by users who previously could only send document files separately from the captions.

Now, sending document files with additional information is made easy with WhatsApp’s new feature. In this article, we will guide you on how to send document files on WhatsApp with captions in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and Select a Chat Column
To start, open your WhatsApp application and select a chat column where you want to send your document file with a caption.

Step 2: Click on the “File” Icon in the Lower Right Corner
Once you have selected the chat column, click on the “File” icon in the lower right corner of the chat window.

Step 3: Select “Document”
After clicking on the “File” icon, a pop-up window will appear with several options to choose from. Select the “Document” option.

Also Read: How to Easily Share Google Drive Links: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 4: Choose the Document to Send
Now, select the document file that you want to send from your device. WhatsApp supports various types of documents such as PDF, DOC, PPT, and XLS.

Step 5: Write a Caption in the “Add Caption” or “Add Caption” Section
To add a caption to your document file, write the text in the “Add Caption” or “Add Caption” section. You can provide additional information or any other relevant details that you want to share with the recipient.

Step 6: Click on “Send”
After adding the caption, click on the “Send” button. Your document file will be sent along with the caption that you wrote.

Step 7: View the Document File with the Caption
Once the document file is sent, the recipient can view the file along with the caption that you wrote.

WhatsApp has introduced several new features, including forwarding photos complete with captions and single vote mode polls. These features have enhanced the overall user experience and made communication more efficient.